
Quality Experts When Quality Matters

  • Mix design optim ization and testing (basic and advanced) for high perform ance concrete, ultra high perform ance concrete, fibre reinforced concrete, pre-cast concrete, fire resisting concrete, self com pacting concrete, roller com pacted concrete, shotcrete, paving concrete, etc.
  • Mix design optim ization and testing (basic and advanced) for asphalt concrete
  • Optim ization and testing (basic and advanced) of bound and unbound road bases, subbases
  • Non destructive testing: high frequency georadar, low frequency georadar, half cell potential, pulse echo, thermography
  • Service life design (from m odelling to particular specifications) of reinforced concrete structures exposed to carbonation, freeze-thaw, chlorides and any com bination thereof
  • Therm al m odelling of concrete structures (finite differences m odelling, finite element modelling and related cold weather/hot weather specifications)
  • Green oriented solutions for concrete production containing sustainable com pounds
  • Design (m echanistic and finite elem ent) of flexible and rigid pavem ents for roads and airports
  • Filed geology and mapping (including rock quality classifications systems for tunnelling and slopes)
  • Setting up and m anaging of on-site laboratories (accredited on request according to local requirem ents) to follow up the routine QC activities with professionally prepared and com petent technologists capable to “look behind the num bers” and interface with the Client’s representatives
  • Remote technical support from our m ain-quarters in Switzerland

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